100 things about me

Written by takaminemion no comments
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This is a translation: Original (2016)

100. My favorite catch-phrase is Happy-Lucky.

99. I got relaxed when I'm supposed to be in a hurry.

98. I loved Shigatsu, it touched me deeply. Now it's my favorite anime❤❤

97. I wanna read the Jinrui and Zombie Loan manga, but  haven't managed to read them.

96. I happened to installed Katawa Shoujo and it was profound and meaningful.

95. I'm a drama queen.

94. Katawa Shoujo was my first visual novel.

93. I definitively prefer Android  before Iphone.

92. I suck at OSU!

91. I wanted to learn about video games but now I'm not interested anymore.

90. My dream is to visit Paris because I believe that is my destiny and it's a great place.

89. I think that the Katawa Shoujo's school resembles the mine.

88. Everyday I'm willing to change a bit and change the way of doing everything.

87. I am ambidextrous.

86. I was bewildered by Neon Genesis Evangelion , it made me to see  things different.

85.  I'd love to be an idol just as Takamine Mion, she's amazing.

84. I love the Key series that are Clannad, Little Busters, Kanon, Angel Beats, Rewrite.

83. I love to know people that think really different to me.

82. I believe that a person changes significantly when they is with people. I wanna be a positive influence.

81. Sometimes I see myself as a resplendent person, who radiates energy.

80. Always I'm willing to negotiate when we have problems.

79. I try to put myself in the other's shoes or try to perceive things with another perspective.

78. I like Psychology, I like to read self improvement books an things like that.

77. I takes me a lot of effort to do something I don't want to do. I used to said that it was impossible for me to do so.

76.  My favorite desktop environment is Cinnamon, but I'd rather learn how to design my own themes instead of just using it.

75. I use Linux.

74. I want to learn programming in Python because it's very useful in Linux and for doing funny things.

73. I learned how to use Linux obsessive compulsively.

72. My hobby is customizing my desktop and modifying themes.

71. I get along easily with people younger than me.

70. I like the fashion games.

69. I always know what to do, I usually do not plan things, I always improvise.

68. I have a lot of creativity but I haven't given the most of me.

67. I like to download the soundtracks of my favorites animes.

66. I'm obsessed with the improvement, I always thing that everything can be done better.

65. I love the debates, in the boring classes I like to ask a lot of questions to the teacher. Maybe in this way we can pay attention in the class.

64. I like to try new things in a unexpectedly way.

63. I can easily collapse due to my feelings.

62. I love to smell the coffee and I love the chocolate.

61.  I don't resist to the charm of cats, even so I like so much the dogs. Indeed I love to take pictures to any animal I find in my way.

60. I think birds are the most beautiful animals that exist.

59. I love animes that are like a tale, or at least, have a fantastic touch.

58. TV is boring, I prefer the Internet.

57. I think that is impossible to be disliked , so I'm astonished when someone happen to block me.

56. Sometimes the difficult things are easy for me.

55. I hate the morning schedule, rather I like the afternoon schedule. In this way I watch the sunrise and have my breakfast with easy pace.

54. I used to use a silver necklace with a heart.

53. I'm always serious, my humor sense is too bland, so that's the reason I dislike many new animes.

52. I prefer to watch old animes instead the new ones that are being aired.

51. I am not weeb (original term: otaku), I just like the anime, though that is not a big deal.

50.  I have many ways to learn, I learn in all possible ways ^^, writing summaries, reading, study in teams, asking, just watching...

49. I just love being called chan, as Daya-chan.

48. I like the expressive music, I like the J-pop and also the K-pop.

47.  I want to learn how to make origami and Japanese.

46. I like to use nicknames in English.

45. I identify myself a lot with the main characters in my favorites animes.

44. I love the paninis, the vegetarian paninis are delicious.

43. I think that we should be vegan, we would do less harm to the environment with less cows, we should not eat hamburgers.

42. Momo is a book that I love, it is about a girl that has the virtue of listening. It will change your life.

41. I think that the life has to have a deep meaning and not necessarily the meaning that you want.

40.  I can eat a tomato ❤, I only put salt on it.

39. I am always wondering about the meaning of the nicknames of everyone.

38. I don't think that Hitler is as bad as we think, I'm not saying that he was a good guy but the winners write the history.

37. I eat apples every day, I love the strawberries and cherries.

36. I write my personal diary in my cellphone with an special app.

35. I charge my cellphone twice by day.

34. I don't know much about electronic music, even so I like that people share that music with me.

33. I think that Gentoo is easy and I think it is unfair  that people say otherwise.

32. I love the Emperper drawings in Deviantart.

31. I'm fan of the amuto pictures.

30. I like the kiwis, the bananas and the honey pineapples.

29. I love to make easy the hard things, so that I take care to make very original themes in Linux.

28. I'd like that the day had more hours.

27. I like a lot to use Twitter.

26. I'm  distracted and my time flies away.

25. I love so much the Vocaloid's music. Miku sings my favorites songs.

24.  I like when the games are easy to understand and play.

23. I think that Suzumiya Haruhi can be easily understood despite of everything.

22. I'd like someday be like Georgina Besley developing my own games.

21. I'd like develop my own graphical interfaces.

20. Crimson is my favorite red shade.

19. I think that Mozart is the best musician that ever existed, even tough many could say that is Beethoven or someone similar.

18. I have used more than 10 Linux distros such as Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slackware, Arch, etc

17. I have the same model of cellphone than my boyfriend.

16. I'd love to be Elody and live in a magic world, and then become in queen, it'd be very exciting but with no resting.

15. Eze had changed my world ❤

14. I want to buy a clock of Korean style fashion.

13. I'm depressed in winter and hyper in summer.

12.  I like the stocking of different styles, specially the ones with line patterns.

11.  I like to thing in deep stuff and I'm thinking in doing something all the time.

10.  I have a cushion of Shugo Chara and some figures as Nadeshiko, Amu and Utau.

9. I have some posters of vocaloid

8. Once I put a hard disk of 1TB to my netbook.

7.  I love the Compiz effects, the well-known 3D cube.

6. I would like to have a Rozen Maiden doll, maybe Shinku.

5. Once my ex-boyfriend wanted to suit me.

4. I love the geography and  astronomy.

3. I want to learn how to play panpipes, the recorder is easy and play again the piano.

2. Every day I want to be authentic and  impress my signature

1. I like to eat ice cream in winter.

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