Family, society and biology.

Written by takaminemion no comments
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There is this feminist writer, Sophie Lewis, she is a German-British academic and author, known for her radical ideas of family abolition and the use of surrogacy on a societal scale.
I was reading articles about the woke culture, which is this tendency of business sponsoring lgbt and feminist content. Just like Disney.
I was specifically reading an article of her which is anti hetero-patriarchy and the toxicity of heterosexual marriages. Lewis advocates pretty unusual ideas to me, but maybe there is some true, like family indeed is like a private factory to maintaining the current system working and substituting old gears with news ones.
But I also believe that family is very rooted in human psychology, the very basic lessons about the Tao, and how the yin and the yang works comes from your parents, and lots of failed relationships come from an unhealthy relationship with them.
I don't fully agree with her idea of family being a social construct, there is a maternal instinct, yet humans instincts are affected a lot for our ideals. our mind and society.
The subrogated maternal society she purposes is a valid society that would work in a parallel world or in a far future we will see the emerge of a prominent country or society based on this ideals, however, as any social ideal, it also negates the individuality even if this is advocating for it.
Because like I said, the woman that choose to be true to the mother instincts will be negated the chance of having child of his own.
This is a very natural and powerful instinct that is very unlikely to change, you can force a man to be a father (this is not a natural phenomena nor there are biological father instincts), but you can't force a mother to not be a mother.
We see a society in Africa where a mother has many husbands, and all husbands helps her economically even if her child is not theirs.
In contrast, and adoptive mother passes through changes exactly the same than a biological mother. But this doesn't means that being a mother is not biological, is both, people doesn't understand that the mind affects biology too.
Like in yin yang, or in a balanced, you can be more inclined to one of the sides, biology or spirit, but both are you.
For instance, simplify believing that you are pregnant makes you to develop pregnancy hormones. Any person spending enough time with a child develops maternal feelings not matter the gender. However, passing 9 months with the child before being born does matter!
In the end I believe being a mother is an human experience, not a biological one, so there are biological mothers that are real monsters.
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