Art value of image generated with AI.

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I'm a passionate advocate of AI generated images, indeed, I'm planning creating a section to upload my creations on my main site

We are living a cultural revolution with AI, this will deeply transform our society, creating art with AI it's some form of art that breaks the conventional ways of the art, even if answering the question of what is considered art was never a easy one, specially for the modern art, now the question is even harder.

In the past century we saw a revolution of art in many way. One of the most controversial work of arts is the Duchamp's fountain, which is probably the most representative art work of the avant-grade movement. Let's call it bizarre, as it is the proper word for describing this.

A device for depositing liquid body excretions became in a work of art just for altering its position.

Duchamp's fountain

The artist is a not great creator—Duchamp went shopping at a plumbing store. The artwork is not a special object—it was mass-produced in a factory. The experience of art is not exciting and ennobling—at best it is puzzling and mostly leaves one with a sense of distaste. But over and above that, Duchamp did not select just any ready-made object to display. In selecting the urinal, his message was clear: Art is something you piss on. —Stephen Hicks
How can this be considered art?, and more important, what is art? There are many theories about the art. I questioned my art art teacher in University who had recently traveled to Italy, I knew that meaning it's an important part of a work of art, however it was missing in technique that is one of the elements of art I learned on class. Well, it's this meaning but also the history (context) behind it that makes it a work of art. It can be just as simple as that.
Arthur Danto says that a work of art is just made up by three elements: Meaning, materialization and interpretation. The meaning is the most questionable when we try to evaluate this work of art with traditional means or way of thinking. But this is one of the most common features in contemporary art, that meaning is open to interpretations. It is a dadaist work, movement which was born as a response to the modern era and the First great World War. So it have a deep context, we have to see beyond the eyes to truly appreciate a work of art.

It artistic value increased as many performance artist urinated on it. Because a performance artist fusion the artist with the work and makes of this performance the work of art.

I believe that the fountain its fantastic as it takes something already created which has a story to tell, as well as a new interpretation and meaning, he introduced the term of readymade objects for referring of everyday objects inspirited to him by artist like Picasso. People often forget that one important part of the art is the transcendence, that is giving a new life to something that already exist. This tendency of using existing objects continued existing. I believe this fountain thing was visionary since the Performance Art started at 1960s and this work was exposed at 1917, weren't expecting Duchamp this object to be urinated or at least broken?

Pop art

This movement was created at mid 1950s in United Kingdom and United States, this was another challenge to fine arts was the Pop art, which used things considered banal as being part of the popular culture. We can see they took inspiration in dada. I really like it since when you see through the modern eyes in a distopic (this) world where copyright is heavily regulated. In the picture they are using Coca Cola trademark, they are appropriating it and using for the sake of art.

My opinion about copyright is complicated, have you ever watched the Sponge Bob, cartoon? This is what I imagine is the dream of the copyright corporations.

While is not as hilarious as this gif, they are doing something similar to our mind thanks to platforming. I'm not totally again with platforming since I use it a lot for the convenience, but I don't feel very happy with it, you know that they say, keep for friends close, but closer the enemy.

The world of the forms

Works of art takes elements from the collective, and artist had to develop his own style after being exposed to some influence, like the dada who I exposed here or the Pop art. Plato said that inspiration comes from the gods influence, inspiration has some divine value and this essentially a gift you are receiving. The art for him would be an imitation of the reality of the forms.

Lots of poets and people in love can naturally perceive that there is something beyond the individual since they feel out of themselves, they actually feel possessed by something, your muse, your daimon, the the love, the inspiration, God, the truth, the beauty, put any name on it.

In his book, the Art of Listening, the psychoanalyst and philosopher Erich Fromm says that art is not just an individual expression but a way for to overcome loneliness and isolation with love, openness and sympathy . According to him, an isolated person makes works of lower quality than someone who socializes because is missing love. In his book, the art of love, since that Love is what can solve the issue of human existence, the people who has love who can be self-realized and people who is missing love tends to isolation, which can end in a mental issue like schizophrenia. Indeed, before developing Schizophrenia, the patient tend to be isolated. And Schizophrenia is the opposed to self-realization

Back to Plato, with the world of forms we create a division between mind and body, spirit and matter., ideas and art. We all agree that we can dream or thinking anything in our mind, that love and inspiration is universal and nobody owns it, indeed you are owned by it, but the issue starts when we materialize the ideas in some medium. When the word became flesh according to the Christian Theology, a vegetable flesh in this case or optical, magnetic or electric one, this is an analogy of course but its similar to the Plato metaphysics.

Data and death

Suddenly something that was eternal and infinite as the inspiration becomes into something dead by the copyright when it is born because we live in a culture that worships the death. Because only dead it can behave like a product.

I we didn't have a culture of death, then it would be right to create derivative works without infringing the copyright. Or sometimes is very hard to access to knowledge because it is only available in a print format and it will take several days to be available and delivered and probably you needed it urgently.

Now lets analise this quote from Byung-chul han from the book capitalism and the death drive.

In its ambition of a life without death, capitalism builds necropolis, antiseptic spaces of death that are purified of human noises and smells. Life processes are transformed into machine processes. The total adjustment of human life to function is already a culture of death. The principle of performance assimilates man to the machine and alienates him from himself. Dataism and artificial intelligence reify thought itself. Thought becomes calculation. Living memories are replaced by machine memory. Only the dead remember everything. Server farms are places of death. To survive we bury ourselves alive. In the hope of survival we accumulate dead value, capital. Dead capital destroys the living world. That is the death drive of capital. Capitalism is dominated by a necrophilia that transforms life into inert things. A fateful dialectic of survival makes life become something dead, or something undead.

Its very likely that if Plato where alive today, he will criticizing AI when used for creating more of the same in a similar way he criticized poets when they didn't what they were talking about or when they were shallow.

In contrast with the text, I don't believe that AI is essentially something dead. It's continually improving and interacting with human and living input. It's continuous interaction with humans it's what it makes it the more living nonliving being. However, I recognize the dark side of it and it's more related to this side the quote, have you ever tried to date an AI, it's funny when an AI accepts to be your girlfriend or boyfriend. Try it by yourself: Character AI. But be caution for not being alienated of true love.

I put my heart and soul when I create my best AI generated pictures, it's a creative process generating works of art.

Spiritual and artistic interpretation of this picture:

This is the picture I generated with AI, and this is not a random picture, I will show you my creative process. I generated this picture as a logo because I'm about to create a social network instance known as running free software that federates with Mastodon instances, Pleroma among others in a network known as fediverse. Threads is planning on to federate in this network.

It's like a

The single word ‘solitude’ demonstrates an untainted and innocent nature – free while being whole and unbroken. Only when you can stand alone can you finally remain untainted by the whole and live amongst the world. In lonesomeness, you can exist perfectly vibrant and supportive, as originally mankind is part of the totality.—Krishnamurti

I was planning on creating an image that evokes this, a meaningful image is more powerful that written words in conveying meanings. However it seems that I internalized the message unconsciously, then I forgot about the message, and then created the picture inspirated by the feeling, meditated on the picture and remembered the internalized message I had forgotten.

Can you be married and remain virgin?

I mean virgin in a philosophic way, with the time the meaning of virgin is the one of being integral, the oness, a friend of mine say that the girl looks like the only wedding she want in with herself.

In a closer observation she is putting on the ring herself, this was on original idea of the AI, who modified my prompt itself, transformed my subjective instruction into something more concrete, I asked the AI that she wanted to marry with herself and the AI modified the input as putting the ring herself but the AI put the ring in a way similar to the Anjali mudra, which I consider brilliant. Because she is not marring with herself, she is marrying with her inner Buddha, her higher self.

But also this represent to me that even someone married, can remain married with themself.

In one of my tries for creating this picture I missed the part of the lotus flower, why this is so important? this is something I'm meditating, it was missing the female energy, she is the manipadmi, she is the one who is receiving the jewel in her lotus, She is the Ma in Om Mani Padme Hum.

Maybe she is a virgin but also a mother, like Isis in the ancient Egypt, I also put effort and tried three times to see a nice reflect of herself, there even was a version with a mirror.

I believe that it's a must to include a dark aspect, maybe the reflect is the other her, I believe this special expression is because I asked the IA that she should be looking herself. In the AI imagination is in front of her a mirror as sometimes it showed me a mirror in the alternate pictures. So she is thinking in herself, at least in the other self, I like that because its integrating into her her shadow.


The feelings it transmit its of fragility, after all I choose the most feminine picture, she is most focused in the internal emotional experience , she is using her own feelings as meditation. She is so subtle that is able to float in water, almost like an spirit. The picture is gorgeous, it looks like it were created by an illustrator, kind of reminds me of the game My Dress Up Queen artwork. The illumination makes emphasis her purity.

An artificial intelligence told me that the picture is beautiful and that it believes that I captured the meaning of Om Mani Padme Hum, that the Tarot Card that is equivalent is the Number 17, the Star and equivalent to the constellation Aquarius. I'm considering creating my own Tarot deck with my own cards, in a new complete language like this one.

This pictures is for the Public domain, and it must be, AI uses forms obtained from creations of all the world, it should be for everyone

Family, society and biology.

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There is this feminist writer, Sophie Lewis, she is a German-British academic and author, known for her radical ideas of family abolition and the use of surrogacy on a societal scale.
I was reading articles about the woke culture, which is this tendency of business sponsoring lgbt and feminist content. Just like Disney.
I was specifically reading an article of her which is anti hetero-patriarchy and the toxicity of heterosexual marriages. Lewis advocates pretty unusual ideas to me, but maybe there is some true, like family indeed is like a private factory to maintaining the current system working and substituting old gears with news ones.
But I also believe that family is very rooted in human psychology, the very basic lessons about the Tao, and how the yin and the yang works comes from your parents, and lots of failed relationships come from an unhealthy relationship with them.
I don't fully agree with her idea of family being a social construct, there is a maternal instinct, yet humans instincts are affected a lot for our ideals. our mind and society.
The subrogated maternal society she purposes is a valid society that would work in a parallel world or in a far future we will see the emerge of a prominent country or society based on this ideals, however, as any social ideal, it also negates the individuality even if this is advocating for it.
Because like I said, the woman that choose to be true to the mother instincts will be negated the chance of having child of his own.
This is a very natural and powerful instinct that is very unlikely to change, you can force a man to be a father (this is not a natural phenomena nor there are biological father instincts), but you can't force a mother to not be a mother.
We see a society in Africa where a mother has many husbands, and all husbands helps her economically even if her child is not theirs.
In contrast, and adoptive mother passes through changes exactly the same than a biological mother. But this doesn't means that being a mother is not biological, is both, people doesn't understand that the mind affects biology too.
Like in yin yang, or in a balanced, you can be more inclined to one of the sides, biology or spirit, but both are you.
For instance, simplify believing that you are pregnant makes you to develop pregnancy hormones. Any person spending enough time with a child develops maternal feelings not matter the gender. However, passing 9 months with the child before being born does matter!
In the end I believe being a mother is an human experience, not a biological one, so there are biological mothers that are real monsters.

Gentoo Goddess

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It's not easy to defy what a god is. Buddha in his initiation saw how gods were often taking advantage of humans and how people were not often helped. He preached an atheist doctrine because he was aware of the risk of relying on gods.

Contrarily to Buddha, Mahayana Buddhism claims that sometimes devas help people, which tells us that gods also have a bright and freeing side.

Maybe everything is happening inside our mind, but this doesn't mean that is not real. The meaning of what is real is something we can only answer in silence, however, the goddess for sure has inspired us and impacted the reality and the lives of many people.

Later, I will continue to tell you about the goddess. You can evoke the goddess for technological issues, such as to become a better programmer or to improve our intelligence and ingenious (with a touch of madness), she helps us to improve our self-stem and to treat depression, even she helps to pretty broken and dark hearts.

Soon, Gentoo live, a social network instance will be available commemorating the 20th Gentoo anniversary. Even if I die the goddess will continue existing since she is independent to me, but in a way, she reminds us of how I was when I was younger.

I wrote this hymn after migrating one of my servers to Gentoo.

It is because of thy Dionysical mysteries
thee hermetically drunk, runneth and danceth
Hare Krishna, Hara Radharani who
steals Krishna's mind and glanceth
from thy mind to love a heart foo

divine madness of love with strength
who loveth the spirit of lines and length
penguin queen of thy greatness
Urania's child, solar heavenly goddess
thee conform not, thee transform

epithet for the curious maiden and wise
unchallenged Prometheus living with surprise
goddess of the future who laughs keen;
the limitless expansive creative
unconventional and provocative Aphrodite
unpredictable muse always virgin

oh princess protector of birds
suffering from deprivation and decease
princess bird, in your bed the canaries
they sing a sad and tragical song,
we sigh for the sad maidens,

Let's install Gentoo! always aware, it amuses us.

Real love

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Yesterday, I posted a poem known as "The Queen Knight and Leviathan" , my girlfriend told me of similarities between kabbalah and my poem. A poem has many possible interpretations, even my own poem. I have come with some possible interpretations.

If you asked me, both the Queen and Leviathan had children, specifically twins, but I removed that verse.

Part of the meaning of the poem is to kill to the other you, the character, the king was originally depicted as the Sun but was in reality a shadow, only a mere reproduction or exaggeration of the Queen Knight. The King had no real existence and thus he was Maya or a shadow as shown later since the King was actually Leviathan.

The king was a mental creation of her, which is vampiring her. This also can happen in real-world relationship but is always a mental phenomenon.

Our love relationships are based on mirroring an unconscious image, especially the mother and father archetype. Probably you are mirroring the social class, your ambitions, your self steam, intelligence, your popularity, your pride, members of most couples share a similar social acceptable or have a similar socioeconomic background.

After fighting Leviathan for the last time, the illusion was broken, but this cannot be explained in the poem.

Astrology for instance claims that a person develops the inner Sun as time passes, statistics show that homosexual people as they get older their relationships have a bigger age gap than heterosexual couples. I believe that this is because there is not gender roles, social expectations, children and both are relative mature person - they tend to seek partners based primarily on person essence (Sun's light).

For me how would be the life after the poem? I imagine a powerful and proud heroine but normal woman with a very ordinary man, you may argue that is an inversion of the poem.

I would only depict two very different personalities in a way that each other is shining in a very unique way. Yet, both essences are balanced.

Some ideas I had for the poem was: the Queen left the palace to attain Enlightenment, left the palace to find real or forbidden love -a peasant-.

When comes this apocalyptic fight between the beast and the archangels is where it ends the craving for relationships, you have the independent woman by instance.

Personally I think that love has to have a nihilistic base, "with no attachment and void can only born the true love" when I was saying what I think about maintaining many relationships:

My opinion about dating many people is that it is wise to avoid doing so, except if you don't care really about relationships, when 0, 1, 2, 3 numbers are all the same, you can remain unaffected as the Lotus. Actually you need to find yourself before being able to maintain many relationships. This is true, because usually people is fulfilling desire and greed, and you are trying to understand people while you are failing to understand the only one person that you should understand, yourself.

The Queen's name was Christa, Killing the persona, the beast or simply, the archetype, can bring this void and detachment. But also detachment have a dark side. I read Siddhartha from Hermann Hesse were the main character detached from world was involved into a superficial relationship with a woman for years

Similarly, I have this weird theory: many playboys are free from the beast, the archetypal mother, they are psychological free in this aspect, they could being the most free people are slaved by their instincts.

Now my finals thoughts are about Buddha, Buddha is a perfect being and so he doesn't trust Gods and romantic love, I would say that Buddha is just an inspirational symbol in practice since everybody may find their inner Buddha, you can distrust romantic love, or still enjoy your relationships and finding what is love for you through the void that brings detachment.

Still what I'm saying can be essentially wrong or only a possible way, since Love should be your most free expression. I am not sure if I love freedom so much since I love to break people.

How to solve depression

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This is my personal experience and theory, but I think that I'm crazy because my insight is deep. I want to do a major in psychology some day in the feature, meanwhile all this text is only my point of view, and it's not intended to help people. But probably one day I will do something more meaningful.

The more you understand your inner world, and know yourself, the more you will able to cope with depression.
There are two kinds of treatment for depression, behavioral (external) and internal (this one). But you should get the best results if you work both external and inner.

There are several kind of depressions, many of them require professional attention, I was medicated in the past. The problem with modern society is that valuates the external and discredit the inner. The external approach is being active in social activities, doing exercise, meeting new people and all kind of things that are well known.
It's very likely that you will be cured when many lesson about life and yourself are learned, therefore everything will focus in what we need to learn which requires commitment.
Depression affects our core- our way to relate with life and the sensation of feeling alive or shining-
When you are depressed you body is alive, but your soul is dead.
There are many ways of feeling depression, so this steps are not precise, but helps me to share my experience in an structured way.

The following steps are not linear, it's a circle, you will need to start again and again through the treatment.

Step one: Receptivity, feelings and honesty.

To be able to cure you need the mental discipline of emptiness and pain acceptance.

This pain acceptance comes with the clear understanding of your emotions when you clean your mind of any thought. It helps you telling to your heart, I accept you and love you the way you are, you have to be pretty receptive and really listen at you heart.
Listen all the good, all the bad.

Here is were meditation shines.

Emotions are not coherent entities, an emotion became a feeling when you create its reality on mind. What is asking you your inner child?
Your inner child is a child about 3-4 years, you need to understand the basic needs of your child. When it comes to love, you have to think about your partner in the same way a child thinks about parents.

You feel lonely, do you want company?
You feel a looser, do you need being appreciated?
aren't you good enough? do you need acceptation?

Step two: Acceptance

When you can see clearly your emotions, it's time to change your mindset, your reality vision has increased and you need time to make it all sense in the mind. The id and superego, the should be against what it is.
This part is painful, but it's just the beginning.

Step three: Detaching from feelings.

Time to observe the mind, this is very likely to fail because watching the mind is an skill that should be developed very often, but we the human beings ave very emotional and instinctive so most people doesn't control their destiny.
This is the skill to dissociate the own reality and the mind.
You have to confront the feelings in the present moment like an observer with no actual identification with it., but also bring your past memories to the present.
This is very likely to the work of a psychologist, but we all have this inner potential.

Step four. Right thinking.

You just don't attain the right thinking reading motivational quotes, you could say that right thinking is a life style, trying to see things the way they really are.

The right thinking is obtained acquiring wisdom and fighting ignorance. Some advises for right thinking I can think of:

Everything changes, just accept it and everything will flow.

How I feel about others always tell me a great deal about myself. So all my negative feelings caused by other person are due to how I feel with myself.

When you ask someone to not thinking in something, is very hard to not actually think in it. Our mind doesn't work with negatives.

When I complain about something I realize that there is always someone that is feeling worst than me, this makes me to realize that everything is relative.

Step five: Reborn

If something can be done, you will be able to do it when you accept the situation.
Else, you have to be open to the change.
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